Monday, November 21, 2011

We have moved

Sorry guys, but we are moving this blog. We are still figuring things out and have found that Tumblr is a better format for us, so follow us to the new blog ------------------------->

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Three New Children at The Asha House

Just a few days ago I got an email from Victor and Simini, the couple who heads up Asha House, announcing that there are three new children! We are all very excited about welcoming these sweet ones into the Asha House family. Here are some pictures of them and a little bit of their stories:
Rekha- She is a five year old little girl. She is a true orphan from Bihar. Her father was an alcoholic and died about three years ago. Her mother had been suffering from jaundice and passed away soon after. Since then Rekha has been living with her grandfather. He sent Rekha to Asha House because he is getting old and cannot take care of her. He was also afraid for her to continue to live with him because she is a girl and it is not safe for her in the neighborhood where he lives.

Sandeep- This little boy is four years old. He is  from Gharkhand, Bihar. He is also a true orphan. His father died from a really bad accident when Sandeep was just a year old. A year ago his mother became very ill and died. Since then he has had no one to take care of him until he came to Asha House.

Milind- He is a two year old little boy who is also a true orphan originally from Bihar. He never met either of his parents. His father passed away when his mother was only 7 months pregnant and his mother died from childbirth. Milind's grandmother has been caring for him since he was born, but she is now very ill and is not able to give him the care and attention that he needs.

Please keep these little ones in your thoughts and prayers as they adjust to living at Asha House away from everything that they have known. Everyone at Asha House is so excited to have these new children, especially since they are true orphans and have nowhere else to go. Some of the children at Asha House do have living parents but they are too poor to be able to care for their children. It is a wonderful things to know that there are now thirty children being loved, fed, and educated instead of facing a life of begging on the streets or worse.
Aksha and Abigail ~ Happy Babies 

Monday, November 14, 2011


Welcome to Blog to the Roots...a place for the community of Back to the Roots to express what we are all about. Stay tuned for news and photographs from The Asha House, information on social justice issues, ideas about how to live simply, and encouragement on how we can begin to love the world around us.

Changing the world starts with simply learning how to love. Come change the world with us!